Tuessday ... All things bright and beaauu
Tuesday, April 16, 2013Hi guys ,
Hope you're week is going well . Just went back to school today and have been already bombarded with revision but I can handle it , my exchange brought me these amazing German sweets by Trolli ( check them out ) they are like my current addiction its beyond belief honestly , I need to like lock them away from my sight ahahaha !!!
So fashion wise I've been checking out the sites and been looking for anything BRIGHT that's what I'm really looking for BRIGHT BRIGHT BRIGHT probably neon . During my search I found these little beauties ;
This is a great sleeveless lace neon dress (click lace to view the dress on the website ) that's from Missguided.co.uk its cute and sweet plus it comes with a little skinny electric blue belt to pull the whole outfit together ! Great price too only 20.99 !!!
For those of you who are great TOWIE fans ( i know i am ) I found the Lydia Bright collection available at the Lipstick Boutique , this dress is just great it bright just like her ;
Wow now isn't that dress just A-M-A-Z-I-N-G !!! It's a bit on the high side of prices 68.99 but its totally worth the dosh , I'd totally save for it . Its screaming classic vintage 50's style .
Link = http://www.lipstickboutique.co.uk/p-arabella_red-257
Maybe this week you may choose to be bright and beautiful too x