L U N A R H A Z E.
Friday, August 08, 2014Hello my faithful readers
I've been horrendous !!! As the holidays have gone I've been super busy as you do and the only time I have is when I'm going to sleep, but today I felt motivated and really bad that I knew that today I had to make a post.
Quick thing to make a point on, have any of you guys been addicted to that Kim Kardashian game !? If you are we are officially BEST FRIENDS. I think the game is like marmite you either love it or you hate it, never really in between. I'm on the B list now ( oooooo kill 'em ) but you never feel satisfied with whichever list your on ! The guys on the game are just plain rude and that Willow Pape needs a slap... Urghhhhh the mixed emotions of this game are just crazy mad.
Moving on to the real reason why I'm posting today ( sorry Kim K ) I recently made a new purchase at Boots as you do as I've been looking for a different type of purple/pink colour since I wanted change from the green of my acrylics.
I love Natural Collection @ Boots for light nail colours for super cheap plus they just don't chip off.
This nail polish is £1.99 but at the moment at boots there's an offer on the Natural collection - 3 for £5. Obviously I got three items for a fiver and this nail Polish is my favourite out of all my purchases in Boots.
What I really like about it is that you can choose how deep you want the colour to be, one coat is like super light pastel colour which looks really nice. The thinner the layer the lighter the colour and the thicker the deeper the shade.
I put 3 coats on for this shade and I really like the metallic colour I got.
This was the original shade but then I changed it. I think this one was an Essie colour I just can't remember the shade used.
I hope you have a good evening guys
T x