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Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Can you believe this is my 100th post for this blog,

This is the first of many 100 marks next mark 200 and who knows maybe even 500. I've learnt a lot about myself through this and what appeals to me as well as where I want this to go. Originally, I started the blog out of interest, I saw an opportunity and took it to be honest. I remember four years ago when I started b2sfashion.com which resembled me at the time looking back I laugh because my content was not up to scratch yet I had views, I guess it goes to show their is an audience for everything and anything. It shows that as bloggers we can be as diverse as we want without focusing on one particular focal point, I may classify myself as a Fashion blogger but I do so much more than that. All I'm trying to say is that for those that are just getting into blogging I'd say don't just focus on one element unless it's something you love and strongly have a passion for, if you're like me - branch out and do lots of different blog posts and find your niche. 

My goal for the next year is to grow my audience further than where I currently am, thank you for all of you readers that constantly come back to read my posts it honestly means the world to me - not being cheesy but it genuinely does. I remember when I hit 100 views, I literally ran around the house then suddenly 10,000 hit - honestly up is the only way from here.

Here's to another 100 posts. 

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