Hair //

Monday, October 26, 2015

Bonjour y'all,

Hope everyone is doing well and been enjoying the extra hour of sleep - which in my case hasn't worked because I'm still in school mode. Half term is here meaning more hours in bed, lounging around and more make up free days as well as Halloween if you're into all that jazz. I love this time of year but for most of us it means dry crusty hair - whether that be weave, relaxed or natural hair. This weather just causes my hair to shrivel up and caring for it becomes more and more of a chore which I obviously hate. But, in order to make my hair routine less of a manic panic I switch up my products to ensure those gross ends are at bay. To ease you into today's post here are some classic staples in dealing with hair:

Today, I thought I would share with you guys what I like to use which is the Garnier shampoo and conditioner. If you're a frequent die hard reader don't worry you are not having deja vu - I have done a post on these products before but I think they're sooo good I had to do another post in this season for them. Garnier specialises in body products such as their lotion which I did a post on - flick back to have a little read - and all their products are such a high quality for a fraction of the high end prices. For me conditioner is more important than shampoo ( yes shampoo is important obviously to thoroughly clean your hair) as it does not dry your hair out as much. 

I remember when I thought I was going to go natural and I did for about 3 good months - by the way Kudos to  all the girls out their on this journey it proved way to strenuous for my liking. Weave, braids and my relaxed hair = a happy Tiffany.

What I love about these products is their mahhhuuusive size and smell - urghhhh the smell gets me every time! Is it just me who cannot use natural smelling products, like i'm not being funny but I don't want to smell like a bush or someone from the bush. Not being rude just saying what y'all are thinking *sips tea*.They are easy to access and can be found in Superdrug,Boots and most supermarkets.

As my sister would say : 'Hair Flip, Bye Felicia'

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