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Saturday, January 02, 2016
'Man what a time to be aliveeeee'. - Drake ft Future - Big Rings.
Ayyy we made it into the new year, and I am grateful. Honestly, 2015 was a whirlwind of events that's all I can say. Those of you who were born on Feb 29th you finally get an actual birthday after 4 years . There were certainly some major highlights that looking into 2016 I can only hope are bigger and better. For many of us we've all accumulated New Years Resolutions ; that we all think will last the entire year, but in reality they don't even last a week. Seriously though, props to those of you who stick to them.
For me, personally, this year I made 0 resolutions because I know they just won't stick. But instead of that tomfoolery I set myself goals, placing them into categories :
- Personal Goals
- Educational Goals
- Career/Business Goals
- Spiritual Goals
This way I knew what went where, as well as being able to see which ones could have a deadline. In my opinion this works a lot better than just making a resolution. By actually writing it down and being able to constantly know the deadline, you'll be able to work harder towards it. Tip : Usually your phone is a distraction, use it more efficiently this year. When you've established your goal set a reminder to see if you accomplish it on time. If you don't, make sure you don't just drop the goal because there is a reason you set it in the first place. Remember that.
2016 is going to be a gooooood year, I can just feel it. I'll leave you with the words of DJ Khaled ( rah if you don't have him on snapchat, you're missing some serious daily doses of class comedy.)
" They don't want us to succeed, so gon' succeed."
Lets make this a year to remember. Together.