Hola amigos, hope everyone is doing good relaxing on a beach or absorbing the few rays of sun that you can in London. I was in Spain for a little over a week with an organisation called Diverbo - it gives us English speaking people the opportunity to help Spanish people learn English. It sounds really boring but it was honestly one of the best experiences of my life. I mean, who wouldn't want a practically free holiday whilst helping other people perfect a language.
We stayed in the beautiful Priego which is literally such a beautiful place in Spain - even if it seems like you're 100,000 miles away from civilisation which for some made them go a little crazy. I can't say it wasn't nice to go back to Madrid and actually see moving cars and see planes in the sky. But, then again it was a nice getaway from all the stuff that we deal with day to day. We had a range of stuff to keep us busy from literally what felt like the crack of dawn till the sky was pitch black. There are literally memories I have from Spain that I will carry with me. From teaching the Spaniards British slang like 'sick' and 'innit' - which still makes me laugh clearly my English influence isn't the best but at least now they're equipped for London lol.
Diverbo is also based in Germany and I would absolutely 100% recommend going - I went alone which to be honest was the best decision I made, you kind of end up forcing yourself to come out of your shell and socialise. I loved it and I'm sure there's other people out there that are like me kinda skeptical and think it might be sketchy. If you're interested just Google 'Diverbo'. Challenge yourself to break out once in a while, I did and now I honestly can't wait to do the whole process again next year.