Well Good morning/afternoon/evening or anything in between,
Can you believe we're up to 3 posts this week? To be quite honest I can't, since I go through seasons of not posting this is rare - not anyone elses fault but my own. September went by super fast that now its becoming darker earlier and hella cold too, which as a result causes flu season. I'm over this all already and miss the warmth - not the kind that comes and goes during October. I want to have ice cream without a blanket, to have a cold shower not a boiling hot bath.
I guess what I'm trying to say is 'summer where you at'. Summer is over. But, I'm still reminiscing over it all because I realised how quick it went. Today I was literally going through my summer photos and came across my carni ones. Carnival legit is the weekend to end all weekends in summer and I got to spend it with some amazing people. Good vibes and good people is the recipe for the ultimate end to summer.
Even though summer is over, a new season is beginning and its time to embrace it. So put away your shorts and grab your faux fur. It's gonna be cold one, I can feel it.
Enjoy your week, I'll be back x