It's that season again where everyone is going back to reality and facing uni, or for some looking for their first graduate job - even looking where to begin. I've felt a huge wave of depleted energy not just around me but on social media with the endless cycle of "I'm tired" or "can't be bothered" type of energy. I'll put my hands up and admit that I have played a part in the sleeping Olympics in recent months - beginning with this blog which before used to be everything to me, an outlet and my own space. Creative block is a real thing and absorbing negative energy is also real - over the past couple of months I've written whole pieces and not posted anything or ignored opportunities presented to me on a platter. However, looking back at everything this isn't the first season of blockage and it probably won't be the last - but what does need to happen is realising the season you've put yourself in. By season I mean have you placed yourself in a cycle, whether that be a season of being unmotivated or a season of self doubt. The question ultimately is, when are you going to let it pass?
A couple of weeks ago, I saw a tweet coming for self employed bakers and the rise of 'waffle makers with a sprinkle of parsley' on the timeline. At first I remember thinking "and I oo-" but this summer there has been a growth in the amount of people who I've seen tune into their talents and gifts - making their coin and still being critcised for it. Yet if we look at some of the most successful people, its usually those who found a hobby and honed in on it marketising and growing in their craft. To all the bakers, nail techs, make up artists, product developers and creatives - keep powering through because it only takes one thing to help you blow.
I've learnt, even though its taken me a long time to learn, that we need to take ownership in the environment we sometimes create for ourselves - realise what it is that is preventing growth. Relearning to be passionate, with child like energy, about the things that are happening around us and taking note of major changes that are and can affect us. Politics over the last month alone has been a whirlwind of changes, distraught and confusion amongst the general public. Staying alert in times like this will prove important in months to come, learning what each leader has to say particularly during the current party conferences could determine the vote I foresee happening sooner rather than later. Engaging in politics and finally realising the issues we're facing now will prove key to change - which ultimately can be changed by the young people of this country. If there is anything to take away from this, REGISTER TO VOTE and engage not just in the party your family may feel affilliated with/to but to what you believe in. Greta Thunderland, a 16 year old climate change activist, recently spoke at the UN Climate Summit - her devotion to such a pressing issue spoke volumes. She realises the power of dedication to a cause and the magnitude of impact she has had in the time is beyond. The one thing that stood out to me is "if you fail us, we will never forgive you" - in many ways this can be applied to things that go beyond the climate - but can also be addressed to self, finally realising the impact of yourself and how you can use it.
Finally realising.