Bits & Bobs. (Under £25)

Monday, December 21, 2015

Hello lovlies, 
Hope everyone is also getting into the festive spirit. Today consisted of Chemistry and Physics revision ( I know how sad my life consists of textbooks...). I also started doing my 2016 plan and scheduling out the things I need to do as well as the bits that I want to do - not resolutions, I'd call them goals. If you watch Shirley B Eniang on YouTube, hopefully you would have seen her last video and she called herself a 'GoalDigger'. I laughed so hard, but I think its such a positive play on words. 2016 is neeeeded I feel like 2015 has dragged on and I'm ready to do all the things that God willing I will do.

Back to the post - above is a selection of bits & bobs I've gathered that I particularly like which are under £25. Of course the Nike Air Max Thea's are obvs not under £25 but I've been really liking them. Hopefully, these are some bits that will inspire what you put in your basket this boxing day.

New content coming after Christmas if not before // Merry Christmas 

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