What A Time To Be Alive.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

2016 is around the corner and from what I can see it will BANGGGG. Lol, that reminds me of my Twitter handle used to be BANGG. (Don't judge I was obsessed with Nicki Minaj Ft Lil Wayne - Roman Reloaded....). So, I thought to myself why not reflect back on some of the things I've done this year and hopefully inspire you to do the same: 

1. Threading my eyebrows for the first time. 

This may sound stupid but I TENK GOD I made this wise decision. I used to tweeze them and use this old school ratchet razor - see below - and they were close to none existence. It makes me laugh now looking down my Instagram posts, I give you permission too if you need a laugh. But I don't mind laughing now because the glo' up is still continuing... 

2. Saying Goodbye for now.

My granddad passed away in the summer super suddenly. I know for some that's a little TMI. But I know a lot of us are dealing with a relative or friend passing and all I can say is in 2015 I was blessed enough to learn more about him, more than ever. From the day he died I promised myself I'd never be sad or angry and from that day on, I genuinely feel I have matured quite a lot. 

3. Focus. 

 I went on to make my idea a reality. Earlier this year an idea came to me and I was determined to ensure I passed it through someone. It just so happened that the investor I went to see had faith in me, and all I can say is... Never doubt an idea you think is good, there is always someone out there who thinks your ideas are of worth. If there isn't it's important to recognise that loving yourself, recognising your worth will show through to whoever you pitch too. Profeshh Tiffany : 


This year I was lucky enough to go to LFWEND with one of my closest "friends". I used the "" because she's basically my older sister, it was amazing to be apart of that atmosphere. I got to meet amazing people and gain real first hand experience. Also, I met an amazingggg street photographer Reinson Robertson who I've kept in contact with since. It goes to show that within less than 24hrs you can learn so much. Here is some of the photography done by the man himself: 

5. A whole new touch up 

I totally re-branded myself. I'm finally learning more about myself - the real Tiffany. I'm developing into someone that I hope can make a stamp in this world. One thing I can say is that 2015 is the year where I've opened up a whole lot, bring on 2016. 

6. Discovering Personal Style

FINALLY, I've discovered what I like . This might sound hella silly BUT listennnnn finding what you truly have a passion for is important. This for me was finding my personal style, which again if you look back down the blog you'll see what I mean. 

7. Fashion Show

One of my biggest achievements thus far is having and organising a fashion show. Honestly, props to whoever does fashion week - one show is too much. However I learnt tons from the process works alongside EFY - who by the way are amazing people. I think people got a real glimpse of who I'm becoming. Even if that means people seeing cray Tiffany....

I can think of more but I don't want to bore you to tears so, I really hope you guys enjoyed that post. Remember, in the year 2016 " be a goal digger" trust me it's attractive. 
Merry Christmas | Bombarded Style.

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